What People are Saying

  • “Kyle Johnston is a hard-working NDP supporter of long standing, having worked in many campaigns on the ground, placing signs, knocking on doors to engage with voters, promoting the cause of labour, and much more. More recently, he served as NDP Vice President for Central Alberta. As an MLA, I have no doubt he will use his voice every day to further the interests of Alberta workers and make life better for all Albertans.”

    — Linda Sinkwich, President Innisfail-Sylvan Lake NDP & NDP Vice President for Central Alberta

  • “Kyle is a dedicated and hard-working professional that I've been grateful to work with for the last six years within the Red Deer and District Labour Council and the community. He cares about equity and fairness for all our community members and is especially knowledgeable within the labour domain. Red Deer-South would benefit greatly from having Kyle as a local leader.”

    — Marie Grabowski, Co-Chair HSAA Red Deer Hospital, Medical Laboratory Technologist

  • “Throughout my many years of working with Kyle, I have appreciated his incredible work ethic, his collaborative approach to tough problems, his ability to genuinely connect with people, and his focus on diversity in our workplace. Kyle has always had an eye on building bridges between groups and consistently looks for opportunities to bring people together in the face of challenges, to listen to various points of view and to draw focus to the common ground between parties.”

    — Janine Aphin, Co-worker

  • “It is my privilege to endorse Kyle Johnston as the MLA candidate for Red Deer-South NDP. I have know Kyle for 4 years and he exemplifies honesty, fairness, and thoughtfulness. He is involved in the community as well. These qualities will bring the leadership needed in Red Deer-South. Kyle has my VOTE.”

    — Diana Melanson, Red Deer-South Constituent

  • “Kyle Johnston was born and raised in Red Deer and has always been a community and family focused person. He has a determined voice, is a team player and is always willing to listen. He has my vote!”

    — Jodi Dore, Red Deer-South Constituent

  • “Kyle Johnston is experienced with a strong work ethic. He is knowledgeable on the issues at hand and is an advocate for public healthcare and public education. He is an effective communicator who represents many rather than a few.”

    — Tim Trentham, Teacher

  • “For as long as I've known Kyle Johnston he has been a strong supporter of his local community, a proud advocate for workers in the Red Deer area as President of the Red Deer and District Labour Council, and a passionate believer that Central Alberta is one of the best places to live. Kyle is also one of the kindest, most compassionate, and thoughtful people I know.

    This is why I am proud to endorse Kyle to be the Alberta NDP’s candidate for Red Deer-South. If elected as an MLA, I know that he would be a tremendous champion for Red Deer in the legislature.”

    — Austin Morris, Gender and Sexual Diversity Director

  • “I am pleased to share my endorsement for Kyle Johnston. As a committed volunteer myself, I have seen firsthand Kyle's tireless dedication to Alberta's NDP through his work serving as Central Alberta VP and volunteering with previous campaigns in Red Deer South. Kyle's leadership and advocacy work with the Red Deer and District Labour Council and the United Steelworkers Local 1944 demonstrates his commitment to protecting and advancing workers' rights in our local community. I am confident we can count on Kyle's young and fresh perspective to be an advocate for Red Deer's needs.”

    — Josh Cormier, Teacher

  • “As a lifelong activist, born and raised in Red Deer-South, Kyle Johnston understands the issues that matter to Albertans. As a proud union member for nearly 15 years, Kyle has a strong passion for standing up and defending workers’ rights. I have seen firsthand through Kyle’s union activism that he is not afraid to roll up his sleeves to get the job done. Through his work as president of the Red Deer and District Labour Council, Kyle has a proven record of advocating for everyday people and giving back to his community. I know that he will work hard for you and on behalf of all Albertans.”

    — Scott Lunny, USW Director for Western Canada and the Territories

  • “I've had the pleasure of working with Kyle for a few years now. He brings a great work ethic to the table. He cares about the people and community around him while actively participating to make improvements for and to them. Kyle will be a great candidate for office because of who he is as a person and what he does to improve the world around him.”

    — Richard Blais, USW Local 1944 Executive Officer

  • “Kyle is a hard-working, fearless advocate who puts the well-being of families first. He strives to build a better future for Alberta where no one is left behind, a strong economy, and good jobs. His proven skills in leadership and collaboration make him an excellent candidate to be Red Deer-South's next MLA.”

    — Cam Westhead, former NDP MLA for Banff-Cochrane

  • “Kyle is Red Deer born and raised and therefore truly invested in our community. Not only is he of outstanding character but also has great work ethic and will undoubtedly make a positive impact as an exceptional MLA.”

    — William Slipp, Red Deer Area First Responder

  • “I recommend Kyle Johnston as the candidate to get behind. Having known Kyle for a number of years, I can tell you that he has always been a strong proponent of labour and workers’ rights. As president of the Red Deer and District Labour Council, Kyle has demonstrated his commitment to advancing the economic and social welfare of all workers! He is also well known for his volunteer service in the Red Deer community. If you want to see honest people in government, join me in supporting Kyle Johnston!”

    — Scott Fitzgerald, USW 1944

  • “I have had the opportunity to work on along side Kyle Johnston in his role with the Red Deer District Labour Council where he has shown the utmost professionalism and willingness to serve his community. Kyle is not only dedicated to making the City of Red Deer a better place to work and live but also, the province of Alberta. I have all the confidence that Kyle will be a great MLA for Red Deer and will work tirelessly for its citizens.”

    — Brad Readman, past President Alberta Fire Fighters Association

  • "Kyle Johnston is the ideal candidate for Red Deer-South. He is incredibly engaged in the local community with volunteering and attending local events to support the businesses of Red Deer. He is also a fierce advocate for workers' rights and access to public services and can be found championing those beliefs within and beyond his union. Kyle will prove a powerful voice for Red Deer and he has my vote!"

    — Duncan Thomas, Red Deer-South Constituent